About us in the Netherlands
Aase Riemann

Welcome to us at EDTNA/ERCA in the Netherlands. My name is Aase Riemann and I am a proud Brand Ambassador. We have 22 EDTNA/ERCA Members in the Netherlands whom has been Members for many years.
For more information please contact Aase Riemann, Brand Ambassador the Netherlands.
An article for the Dutch Dialyse & Nephrology Magazine, published in March 2024.
The Magazine Dialyse & Nephrology is the magazine for all members of the Dutch Association for nurses and nurse practitioners who are working in dialysis and nephrology in the Netherlands.
The Project Aggression on haemodialysis wards was presented in the last edition, March 2022.
An interview with RenalPro Moderators Sabine Nipshagen and Chava Kurtz in the Magazine of the Dutch Association of Nurses.
The Magazine Dialyse & Nefrologie is the magazine for all members of the Dutch Association for nurses and nurse practitioners who are working in dialysis and nephrology in the Netherlands. The Magazine comes out 4 times a year and in each edition there is an article about the EDTNA/ERCA, followed by some news and the advert to be a member of the Association.

Green Dialysis project was presented in the last edition. The aim of the project, translated text about Pollution in HD and HDF as the biggest users of water, description about all sort of non-green practices on the HD ward, information about the EDTNA-survey and the developed app, RenalPro discussion and the necessity of training and conclusion were presented.
In 2020 Aase Riemann, Branch Ambassador of the Netherlands continues to publish articles about the EDTNA/ERCA in the Dutch Dialyse and Nefrologie Magazine. The Magazine is published by the Dutch Nursing Association for nephrology nurses and appears 4 times in a year. The content of the article in the first number of 2020 you can see HERE.

Also Aase has worked on the translation into Dutch of the booklet Oral Care Guideline for Adult Patients with CKD, written by Tai Mooi Ho and Navdeep Kumar. In few months the translated booklet can be downloaded.
Activities to promote the EDTNA/ERCA will continue in 2019. Several contacts with professionals (renal nurses, dieticians and social workers) have found place, focused especially on writing an Abstract for the Conference in Prague. Articles about activities of the Association will appear in magazine Dialyse & Nefrologie, the magazine of the Dutch Renal National Nurses Association.

The 48th EDTNA/ERCA International Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, September 14-17, 2019.

One of the electronical library-papers “Encapsulating Peritoneal Sclerosis” has been translated into Dutch and can be seen on the website of the EDTNA/ERCA. Other translated papers will follow. Dutch visitors of the congress in Prague will be contacted for a meeting in Prague during Conference days. Meetings will be organised with the National Association and the EDTNA/ERCA support group in Holland.
An Article was written by our Brand Ambassador, Aase Riemann about the 46th EDTNA/ERCA International Conference in Krakow and printed in the December edition of "Dialyse & Nefrologie Magazine, V & VN Dialyse & Nefrologie", the Magazine for the Dutch Nurses. This article is about the success we had at the Conference. Other articles, in 2017 have been about DOPP's, the patient education papers, issues four times per year. For the first edition of 2018 Aase wrote an article about Renal Pro.