About us in Ireland
Grace Murrayinfo@gracemurray.ie
Welcome to us at the EDTNA/ERCA in Ireland!
My name is Grace Murray and I am proud to be a Brand Ambassador for this association. I am a renal nurse in one of the largest teaching hospitals in Ireland, Tallaght University Hospital, Dublin where we opened a state of the art renal unit in 2020. Our renal specialist multidisciplinary team allow excellent, efficient and innovative care to be delivered.
There are currently 13 members of the EDTNA/ERCA in Ireland and I strive to further grow our national community.
For more information, please contact Grace Murray, Brand Ambassador for Ireland.
Coming soon...
8th Annual Transplant & Nephrology Conference (TUN Conference)Beaumont Hospital
November 2019
I was invited to attend the 8th Annual Transplant & Nephrology Conference (TUN Conference) organised by Beaumont Hospital. The conference was attended by ninety nephrology specialists and it was an excellent conference. The speakers included Professors Peter Conlon, Declan DeFreits, consultant nephrologists Beaumont hospital, Ms Marie Green virology coordinator; Ms Margaret Aitken Early Access AV grafts QE Hospital Glasgow, Effects of CKD on children, Temple St, Children’s hospital; The change in consent for organs Prof Jim Egan Director (ODTI), Shared Kidney Scheme, Dr Colm Magee, Ms Laura Lynch transplant coordinator, Transplanting Highly Sensitized Patients, Mr David Keegan senior medical scientist, Transplant Surgery Mr Ian Robertson transplant surgeon Beaumont Hospital, the meeting concluded with a personal patient story and an address from the representatives of the IKA. As BA for Ireland I took this opportunity to request a stand at the conference to promote the 2020 EDTNA/ERCA 49th EDTNA/ERCA International Conference which takes place in Ljubljana, Slovenia, on 12th to 15th, September 2020. I had many enquiries about the conference and the association and I encouraged my colleagues to become members of the EDTNA/ERCA and to participate in the 2020 conference. I would like to thank my colleagues in Beaumont University Hospital for their continued support in particular Ms Veronica Francis CNM3 and former EDTNA/ERCA key member.
October 2019
The 3rd Annual Kidney Transplant Patient Education Meeting was held in St Vincent’s University Hospital on Tuesday 13th October 2019.Seventy two patients including family members attended. The meeting covered a wide range of information about kidney transplant. The meeting was organised by Juby Susan Thomas (CNS) clinical nurse specialist in transplantation at St Vincent’s University Hospital. Juby also holds the post of Brand Ambassador for Ireland with the European Dialysis Transplant Nurse Association/European Renal Care Association. A multidisciplinary team of kidney specialists presented the following topics; an overview of kidney transplantation, pre transplantation, a surgical overview of transplantation, post transplantation care, tissue typing psychological impact post-transplant and the meeting concluded with a wonderful patient story about her transplant. The meeting concluded with lunch. Juby would like to thank the multidisciplinary team, Prof Alan Watson, Dr’s Aisling O’Riordan and John Holian nephrologists SVUH, the team from Beaumont Hospital Mr Ian Robertson transplant surgeon, Marion Stacey transplant coordinator, Geraldine Donnelly chief scientist, Marisa Pinheiro CNS, Aoife Smith Irish Kidney Association and a special thanks to Ms Laura Garrett.