About us in Germany
Sabine Nipshagensabine.nipshagen@freenet.de
Welcome to us at EDTNA/ERCA in Germany. My name is Sabine Nipshagen and I am a proud Brand Ambassador. We have 36 EDTNA/ERCA Members in Germany whom has been Members for many years.
For more information, please contact Sabine Nipshagen, Brand Ambassador for Germany.
The 23th AKTX-Pflege e.V. Symposium took place from October 17 to 18 2019 in Congress Centre Hannover
Symposium was organised in cooperation with 28th Annual Meeting of German Transplant Society (DTG). Nurses from all our Transplantation Clinics meet up for a very interesting event. About I was invited to introduce EDTNA/ERCA work. See the attached pdf.
The program started with a warm welcome form Marei Pohl, President of the organisation. Prof. Dr. Warnecke from Medical School Hannover (MHH), the Meeting President of DTG held a welcome speech in the name of all doctors. He underlined the importance of the work of transplant nurses for the outcome of transplanted patients.
This was followed by informative reports on the work done in various transplantation centres. Some nurses had prepared posters which were evaluated by a commission and rewarded with prizes.
The first day ended with the Annual Meeting.
The next morning 2 workshops were offered, sexuality after transplantation and exercise and sport after transplantation.
The symposium ended with the presentation of the further training in transplantation care.
Angela Drähne, BA Germany
Report from 11th Three Country Meeting, Konstanz
The 11th Three Country Meeting took place from November 15-17 in historical Council.
October 9th -11th I introduced EDTNA/ERCA and its work in Michael Reichardt’s Nursing School in Essen. With nurses from two nephrological courses I discussed the need of international cooperation in renal care. I spoke about EDTNA/ERCA Membership and the opportunity to become a volunteer.
We saw pictures from Genova and talked around writing an Abstract and design a poster. Nurses ask a lot of questions around my work as the EDTNA/ERCA Brand Ambassdor and at the end I invited them and all colleagues to come to Prague, to our next Conference, September 14-17, 2019.
You will find the presentation and some pictures from Essen. The pictures show historic dialysis machines in the entrance area of the training center.