Our aim is always to keep you updated with the latest updates within our Association. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our Secretariat.
NEWS 2020

Webinar Green Excellence: How to achieve Green Excellence in dialysis? Shaping the future of green excellence in dialysis. Project preliminary results.

The webinar taking place on Thursday, March 25, 2021, 14:00 - 15:30 CET (Brussels, Berlin, Paris)

Moderator: Ilaria de Barbieri
Panelists: Lynn Brown, Vanessa Hoehle

Registration here

Green Excellence in Dialysis  – A joint project from EDTNA/ERCA and B. Braun Avitum AG
Get involved and help us to define rules for Green Dialysis! NEW LANGUAGES

As a part of the new sustainability strategy, we are pleased to present the Green Excellence in Dialysis project, which is running as a joint initiative of the European Dialysis and Transplant Nurses Association / European Renal Care Association (EDTNA/ERCA) and B. Braun Avitum AG. 

In the first phase of this project, we would like to conduct a survey, to find out about the experience of university, public, and private renal care units and the challenges they encounter with regards to environmental management in providing care.

Below are links to our survey for healthcare workers at the renal care centers on Netigate translated into various languages: 

The survey is also available on Google forms at these links:

The EDTNA/ERCA would appreciate your input by completing this survey and sharing with others colleagues. Thank you in advance for your valuable insights.

If you have any questions feel free to contact Project Manager, Jitka Pancirova at:


Webinar Green Excellence: How to achieve Green Excellence in dialysis? Shaping the future of green excellence in dialysis

The webinar scheduled place on Thursday, December 3, 2020, 14:00 - 15:30 CET (Brussels, Berlin, Paris)
The EDTNA/ERCA Executive Committee regrets the failure to run this much-awaited Webinar on Green Excellence, a Joint Project between EDTNA/ERCA and B. Braun Avitum.

The IT and Management Departments of the Association’s service provider were unable to solve the technical and software problems occurring from the beginning and to restore the smooth running of the Webinar.

The Executive Committee is sorry for the inconvenience caused to the many attendees.

The Webinar will be re-scheduled soon. More information will be available on the EDTNA/ERCA website. The registered participants will be informed of the new date.

Webinar Green Excellence: How to achieve Green Excellence in dialysis? Shaping the future of green excellence in dialysis

The webinar taking place on Thursday, December 3, 2020, 14:00 - 15:30 CET (Brussels, Berlin, Paris)
Panelists: Lynn Brown, Vanessa Hoehle, Moderator: Ilaria de Barbieri. Registration here

Green Excellence in Dialysis  – A joint project from EDTNA/ERCA and B. Braun Avitum AG
Get involved and help us to define rules for Green Dialysis!

As a part of the new sustainability strategy, we are pleased to present the Green Excellence in Dialysis project, which is running as a joint initiative of the European Dialysis and Transplant Nurses Association / European Renal Care Association (EDTNA/ERCA) and B. Braun Avitum AG. 

In the first phase of this project, we would like to conduct a survey, to find out about the experience of university, public, and private renal care units and the challenges they encounter with regards to environmental management in providing care.

Below are links to our survey for healthcare workers at the renal care centers on Netigate translated into various languages: 

The survey is also available on Google forms at these links:

The EDTNA/ERCA would appreciate your input by completing this survey and sharing with others colleagues. Thank you in advance for your valuable insights.

If you have any questions feel free to contact Project Manager, Jitka Pancirova at:


Abstracts for the 49th EDTNA/ERCA Conference in Ljubljana are already opened

We invite you to submit your abstracts for next year's 49th EDTNA/ERCA Conference in Ljubljana. Don't miss the chance to share your research with colleagues from around the world.

Click to learn more about our submission guidelines: Call to abstracts

EKHA WEBINAR: Towards a Resilient and Patient-Centered Approach to Kidney Care in Europe

Watch a video of a webinar that took place last week.


Watch the video recording on YouTube Channel EDTNA/ERCA. Just click here

2020 European Kidney Forum Webinar

Watch video of 2020 European Kidney Forum Webinar on Improving Organ Donation and Transplantation in the EU.

More information here.

EDTNA/ERCA Mobile App is available

Download new EDTNA/ERCA mobile application for smartphones.

Android users: Google Play
iPhone users: App Store


EDTNA/ERCA express their sincere thanks to AMGEN (Europe) GmbH for a long lasting, strong and valuable support of DOPPS Symposia. Our collaboration brings the DOPPS project and its results to the attention of all colleagues working in Renal Care.

Edita Noruisiene, EDTNA/ERCA President

Read more.


Covid-19 latest update is available here.

Abstract module for the ESNO online Congress 2021 is now open for submission.

The Congress 2021 is the last of a sequence of three under the umbrella concept “The Specialist Nurse in the European Healthcare towards 2030” and it will emphasise the importance of an harmonised education and recognition in the European contex
Read more HERE

Webinar November: Nurse hospital staffing: Lessons from COVID-19

Title: Nurse hospital staffing: lessons from Covid19.
Speaker: prof. Walter Sermeus
Moderator: dr Ilaria de Barbieri
Date:  12th November 2020 h 14:00 CET
Registration HERE

New Publication

We have new english publication for you in Education Section - Case Management for patients with Advanced Kidney Disease - A Guide for Nurses in ENGLISH SECTION.


Date: October 1, 16 - 18 PM

President: Edita Noruisiene, Moderator: Dr Bruce Robinson, Speakers: Anna M. Monros, Marisa Pegoraro, Jennie King, Michel Roden.
Read more.

Online Webinar: Shared Vision of COVID19 Experience in Renal Units across the World

Panelists from Australia, Saudi Arabia, Spain, USA and Australia will have the opportunity to describe how COVID has affected their work in the field of renal care (patients, clinical practice, nurse positions, the workload of the reorganization of work units). This will be followed by a discussion of about half an hour. Read more

Virtual Annual General Meeting

Dear members, we strongly encourage you to attend our first Virtual AGM. AGM will be held online on Sunday, 13th September 2020, at 17.00 - 18.30 (CEST). More information here.

Green Excellence in Dialysis

EDTNA/ERCA is happy to present a new green strategy. More information here.

Postponed 49th EDTNA/ERCA International Conferece

In view of the Covid-19 crisis, we regret to inform you that EDTNA/ERCA has taken the difficult decision to postpone the 49th EDTNA/ERCA International Conference scheduled to take place in Ljubljana, September 12-15, 2020 and reschedule the Conference for September 4-7, 2021.

More information here.

Thank You!

EDTNA/ERCA team would like to say "THANK YOU" to all health care providers involved in renal care during these hard times of the COVID-19 pandemic. Watch now!

New Membership Management System

We are happy to inform you that the MEMBERSHIP MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CLAUDiN has been set up for EDTNA/ERCA. Read more here.

2020: unleashing the full potential of nursing

"If you enhance nursing, you enhance heath care. Governments and health systems worldwide should recognize the true potential of nurses." Read full article here.

New Publication

Handbook on Ultrasound of Vascular Access Examination from the Specialist to the Nurse - now available in Spanish!

ESNO Nurses Guide free online

ESNO Nurses Guide on Microbes is free online. Nurses's roles related to infection health threats have never been so relevant. Thank you, ESNO!

The 2nd Announcement for the 49th EDTNA/ERCA International Conference

2nd Announcement for the 49th EDTNA/ERCA International Conference in Ljubljana, Slovenia is available here.