World Kidney Day (WKD) is an annual global awareness and education event, held on the second Thursday in March. It provides the perfect opportunity to reach the community and share the WKD message.
This year, as a Brand Ambassador, I have decided to collaborate between EDTNA/ERCA organization and national associations. I have organized a community educational event that joined together healthcare professionals groups and individuals who want to make a difference and raise public awareness of prevention and treatment of kidney diseases.
On Thursday, 12 March 2015 we opened a booth at the entrance of the Galilee Medical Center where the visitors could find information about how to protect kidneys from disease and also to assist patients who already have chronic kidney disease. We also gave additional information regarding kidney diseases risk factors and distributed brochures in the three main languages of Israel: Hebrew, Russian and Arabic.
There was a lot of interest in the posters and many questions asked from the delegates who received an explanation and also a brochure in their own language. Health care professionals from medical centers were also interested in our event. Also there was a good opportunity to introduce the EDTNA/ERCA organization which was represented in our booth.
Jania Golland
EDTNA/ERCA Brand Ambassador for Israel